Overall objectives was for teachers and students to participate in a practical exchange project on issues pertaining to democracy development, knowledge on HIV/ Aids and life skills. SA delegation was well oriented on the subject matter and prepared a PowerPoint presentation.
Participating schools were: P/S Sec, Marsec, ESayidi FET,
Vezubhule, Oscarsgymnasiet, Monsterasgymnasiet & Parskolan.
SA delegation of 9 was welcomed by Mayor, Peter Wretlund and introduced to Oskarshamn Municipality. OSAK chairman, Tormod Nesst gave a detailed insight on the important role of civil society in a democratic society, including the Twinning Project.
The delegation participated in class discussions, gave talks on SA,held debates and discussions on democracy with students, teachers & politicians. Other activities included: introduction to Time Travel, sport, nuclear station etc.
Weekend stay with families, experiencing Swedish family life, gave a glimpse of a developed society's values and lifestyle. The 2 week programme ended with a SA evening on cultural exchange of food,music and clothes.
Equally important, our SA delegation from the 4 schools, worked together in months ahead in preparation of this programme, bringing us S. Africans together in creating bonds, hence achieving a twinning objective of internal twinning.
We place on record our gratitude and thanks to Helena, Ake and many others that have worked tirelessly in making this project a reality. Not forgetting the funders.
Coming up, an exchange by the Swedish delegation in April 2008. G.K
this trip was life-changing,and the memories will stay with me forever,i did not just make new friends, but i made a whole new family.thanks goes out to gulshera khan, pauline duncan and the whole commitee, their whole-hearted and selfless contributions are much appreciated by us all.
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